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     Welcome to the website where you can choose a wonderful jaw harp!
  My name is Dmitry Babayev, I am a jaw harps master from Russia. I make all jaw harps manually, following the principles of mindfulness, where every step of production is devoid of automatism. My method of tuning the harp allows me to achieve a clean and harmonious sound of the instrument, and if this sound resonates in Your heart, then I consider that my task is completed. ​

    You can order one of the instruments presented on this page. To contact me, fill out the message form at the bottom of the page. ​
    Dmitry Babaev

Buy a jaw harp

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Jaw harp, jews harp, mouthharp, jaw harp buy, babayevharps, Dmitry Babayev, Dmitry Babayev jaw harp
Jaw harp, jews harp, mouthharp, jaw harp buy, babayevharps, Dmitry Babayev, Dmitry Babayev jaw harp
Jaw harp, jews harp, mouthharp, jaw harp buy, babayevharps, Dmitry Babayev, Dmitry Babayev jaw harp

Jaw harp in B2, case included. Made in Sicilian style and suits for style of playing on Sicilian jaw harps. Reed of the jaw harp is hand forged and has fine stiffness. Sound is colorful.
Costs 210 usd, shipping is 15 usd.

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Order a jaw harp

For melodic playing

Buy munnharpe
Order munnharpe
Order munnharpe

Melodic munnharpe

I make munnharps in a  specific T-shape of a Telemark style. This form helps me to get a clear sound (my method of tuning the jaw harps is based on straightening the body, and it is convenient to work with this shape). This shape of the harp body has been known at least since the 14th century and is still used by some craftsmens in Norway and Ukraine. The tongue is slightly above average hardness, fixed in the body with a wedge, which makes it easier for the master (in case it needs) to replace the tongue. In addition, this arrangement allows the player to harmoniously distribute the weight of the inrtrument, which affects the convenience of the game.

Length of a reed is 50-90 mm. Range: C large octave to E small. Weight: 35-50 g. A simple case is included in the price of the instrument.

Price: from 185 $

Both available: on stock and by order

Buy melodic jaw harp
Order melodic jaw harp
Order melodic jaw harp

Melodic jaw harp

This jaw harp is a replica of the medieval jaw harps found on the territory of Veliky Novgorod, (Russia), and dated by 14th century. These jaw harps are well suited for melodic playing.


Reed length 60-70 mm. Range: F major octave to D minor octave. Weight: 25-30 g.

Price: from 75$​

Both available: on stock and by order

Babayev's harps - Melodic A
Babayev's harps - Melodic D
Babayev's harps - Melodic munnharpe A-is
Babayev's harps - Melodic munnharpe G

Low range jaw harp

Jaw harp buy
Jaw harp buy
Jaw harp buy

Bass jaw harps


These jaw s harps are suitable for players of all skill levels. They are based on the Japanese jaw harps of the 5th century, and have a thick rigid frame, comfortable for the hand, and a moderately hard tongue, which is quite stable and not very demanding on hitting accuracy. The jaw harps in the upper part of the range (from E2 to C2) have a double-sided reed, which makes the sound smoother and more melodic. Jew's harps in the lower range (from B1 and below) have a one-sided sharpening of the reed, which gives the sound "fat", fullness, and sharpness. The lowest jaw harps have a characteristic chirring.

The length of a reed is 85-110 mm. Range: from D controctave to E large octave.

Price: from 110$ Case: from 25 USD

Bass jaw harps are available both on order for a specific note, and from stock.

Babaev's harps - Bass G
Babayev's harps - Bass C-is


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